peanut butter.
I hate peanut butter jars. The oil repels the water, making it impossible to clean.
Anyways, I don't know why I'm blogging. I have nothing to say.
Oh! Except to say that I love people. After being alone in my apartment for 24 hours yesterday, moping around, I was feeling the need for social interaction. Social interaction with people who really know me-- not just kind of know me. And I got it. I love people. From the moment Amanda called this afternoon (you made my day, my dear), I had non-stop people-ness in the form of visits and phone chats until Sara hung up the phone tonight(you made my night, my dear), I've been surrounded. And I have spoken almost no French.
And now I will continue with my homework.
it was so very very very good to talk to you, ann. my week is better before it even started.
pretty much you are my favoiite! i hope your week is going well, i will call soon, i promise! BUt thnigns are out of control right now!
ann, YOU made MY night!
(and i totally agree with you about peanut butter jars!!)
I can relate to being surrounded by people who don't speak your language and staying in your room for long hours because theres no better place to be that you can think of and there is that nagging need to do work (so much reading). I hear what your saying a half world away! By the way, what the heck is going on with Quebec and being a nation within Canada?
ann, i can't beleive that you said that you hate peanut butter jars. If you like the acutally peanut butter that is within the jar then you should divert all your energy to loving the peanut butter and not worry about hating the jar. The jar is a nessisary component to be able to enjoy the peanut butter, so in saying that you hated the jar, you in turn could say that you hate the peanut butter. :) (i have way too much time on my hands, and i'm not going to tell you who wrote this and keep you in suspense) hehehehehehehehe..........that was an evil laugh.........
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