Muddled Musings

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

i'm back.

Whoops. Apparently, even my own blog got tired of waiting for me to update, and stopped updating me on the requests to update.
Since I last drank wine with Amanda, I've been doing a great many things (including having more wine with Amanda). Too many things for this blog to contain. Basically, if you read Sara's blog, you will have Ann's blog. We are practically the same person.
Let me see. Oh! An update on my room mates. I love them. Kara, aside from doing my laundry all semester, also made my bed and put fresh sheets on it last week when I was going crazy. It's too bad that I did not have the chance to enjoy the freshness, as I didn't really sleep. Dead Week has a knack for torturing students with a combination of papers and sleep-deprivation.
Oh. I never explained the morphing of Ann-Sara. We did Justice Matters two weeks ago (something which everyone at Dordt would either have to be blind to have missed or skipped a lot of classes, thereby missing our great white tent). Once finished with that, we had a day or two of hardcore homeworking, followed by pursuing our Student Manifesto from last year. We are potentially accomplishing a great many things. But we can't talk about it or we'd have to kill you. Now, we are studying together.
Tomorrow, to celebrate the end of exams, we may or may not smoke a cigar on the roof of SV.


Blogger mike kramer said...

now you can have a new post about being back in canada. sweet.

9:19 p.m.  
Blogger Mike E said...

It is great to see you again Ann. All the Dordt caos is done for a long while, Congrats! Keep learning and loving

10:27 a.m.  
Blogger sara without an 'h' said...

I agree. You and I have definately morphed. When I added you to my list of links to others' blogs, I wanted to label your link "my other half". But then I thought people might get the WRONG impression about what exactly we mean when we talk about morphing into one person!

7:06 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The morphing would explain why I can't seem to remember seeing Ann and Sara at the same time last weekend at Dordt...

3:08 p.m.  
Blogger flurp-boink said...

hey friend,
isn't Kara ridiculous like that??? Anyway, I enjoy you, and hope life is good...and I expect to read about it.

P.S. my blogspot works now.

12:45 p.m.  

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