c'est la vie.
The Senior Scramble is a very real phenomenon; and refers to a much broader context than getting hooked-up, engaged and married by May. The SS refers to scrambling for some tangible survival plan for post-college life. Which is why I sit here, staring at my computer screen, writing a resume--and wondering, "Hmmm...what have I done that is worthwhile during the past four years?" Considering I don't have a major, worthwhile things are difficult to prove. Marketing myself as a jack-of-all trade (conveniantly omitting the "master of none" clause) will simply have to suffice. One day--perhaps--it will be nice to have life semi-figured out, to cease nomadic tendencies, to settle, and to have complete direction for my life. Likely, I'll be hallucinating on LSD on a street corner if I ever actually think I've gotten to this point.
Hey ann, i think you are so on about the senior scramble in other ways, i can see it in my roomies! but unfourtunly i dont have to play yet, because i still have one more semester to go!:( i can't wait for spring break!
hey ann. words words words. words. words words words.
i had something intelligent to say, but i decided not to, because i can't think of the word i was going to use. it totally slipped my mind, and all the synanyms for it do not suffice.
ARA. It's van.grantham@gmail.com
yeah, you know you love it. Send me your story! I am rapidly dying for lack of intellectual stimulation. Please send me your story, I would love to comment on it!
--the R
hey ann. i see you now have a counter on your site. thats cool. by pushing refresh, i was visitor 15, 16, 17, and i will be eighteen as soon as i go back there.
ann, i was just wishing you were in the library with me! i am reserching art history and alot of sites come up in french. i need your french experitise!
friggen put up a new post.
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