cut off from community.
This is me feeling sorry for myself. I am in the middle of a culture that refuses to speak English and does not understand my anglicized French. And I can`t check my email because this place has cut that avenue of communicating with people off too. And my phone won`t kick in for another 9 days! After living in Toronto where 48% of the people are immigrants who don`t speak English as their first language, I can finally say I relate to them, now that I`m in Quebec. Even simple things like figuring out where I can recycle is a task and a half.
OK. So it`s not that bad. Well, actually, it IS that bad, but I can handle my lack of communication with a smile on my face anyway. I have not been reduced to tears and utter despair.
Despite my sorrows (which, seriously, could be much worse), I have a huge hallelujah-- my neighbours are immigrants from Iran who prefer speaking in English. Two nights ago, we sipped Iranian tea and ate Dutch boederkoek, talking in ``Franglais`` (French and English mixed together) for hours. If if the community I love to is cut off from me, at least I have the opportunity to thrive in a new community!