grown up.
Today I ceremoniously officiated the shift into Adulthood by taking out my eyebrow piercing. [insert sigh] It didn't look nice anyways-- it's always infected. Even so, it 'twas somewhat sad to say bye to it. If I have a 'real' job where I'm leading 'real' grown ups, I suppose they won't appreciate some punk who will lead them astray. Needless to say, my mom is happy. (I haven't quite given it up completely--it's just that it's barely visible. I can't bring myself to transition 100%.)
Today I also talked with cousin who I hadn't seen since the day of my Pake's (friesen for grandpa) funeral 3 1/2 years ago. My own flesh-and-blood-- we wore diapers and were potty-trained at the same-- and I didn't even recognize him. He's moving out West. I'm moving out East. And the chances of us meeting again anytime soon are becoming less probable...weird. I wish him God's blessings, I suppose.